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Schools are in many ways the glue of our community, not only giving our kids a great education, but connecting many families and friends. In an era of fast change and many challenges, I will bring decades of experience working in business, in community organizations, and as a film and TV composer, to our Board. In the past five years,  parents have experienced a unique set of challenges - pandemic emotional and academic learning loss, smartphone/device and social media addiction in our youth, and fears for school safety. I will be a fresh voice for a new generation of parents on the LVUSD Board. Here are some of the key issues facing our schools which I hope to focus on as a LVUSD Board member, collaborating with the Administration to improve our schools.

"Alan Lazar is extraordinarily qualified to serve on the LVUSD Board of Education. The fact that he has two children attending schools in the District (and will for several more years) is a bonus. We need Alan's strong and thoughtful voice on the Board now! It appears that the quality of education (as shown by some test scores) may be slipping. We need to do everything possible to provide great education for our children and grandchildren here in Calabasas and the surrounding communities. Alan will help in this process!" - Richard Sherman, President, Calabasas Park Homeowners' Association

Educational Excellence

I strongly believe in the transformative power of an excellent education. LVUSD schools are some of the best in Southern California, but in recent years test scores have declined, as part of a national trend, particularly in Math. I will work hard to grow academic excellence in our district, with an emphasis on making sure Math curriculum choices are effectively made. We need to support our hard-working teachers, the lifeblood of our schools. My mom and my two sisters are all teachers, and I know in a very personal way the contribution teachers make to our society. Today, sadly many are leaving the field, and we should do our utmost to provide strong classroom support and nurture the careers of our district’s teachers and administrators. As a pragmatic problem-solver, I will find ways to reduce class sizes wherever possible and increase the use of instructional aides and tutors. The district’s outstanding EdX program for administrators needs continued support from our Board. 

"I believe Alan will make an excellent school board member. You only have to meet him to know that he is passionate and informed about everything he takes on. He will be looking out for the best interests of our students and will work hard to ensure LVUSD remains a destination school district." – Penny Sylvester, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Agoura Hills

"I am pleased to endorse a smart, committed and involved candidate such as Alan Lazar for the LVUSD School Board." - Kelly Honig, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Westlake Village


All LVUSD families and their kids should be warmly welcomed at school, no matter who they are. I believe strongly in values of kindness, empathy, tolerance and community, and will do all I can to grow these in our schools. There is no place for hate in our schools, particularly in this time when anti-Semitism is sadly prevalent.

"I am excited to endorse my friend Alan Lazar for the LVUSD school board. Alan is not only a devoted father but also a cherished member of our community. His dedication to the success of LVUSD and all our children is truly admirable. Having worked alongside Alan on an elementary School Site Council, I have witnessed firsthand his passion, knowledge, and inspiring leadership. With his active involvement in our schools and his genuine commitment to making a difference, Alan is undoubtedly the most qualified candidate for the school board. His success in business, and decades of experience running music companies, will undoubtedly bring valuable expertise to the board. I wholeheartedly believe that Alan will bring a fresh perspective and unwavering dedication to serving our community and shaping the future of education in LVUSD."
Negin Ghaffari PhD
Commissioner, Parks/Recreation & Education, City of Calabasas
Chair, Arts Council, City of Calabasas
Founder/Head of School, Montessori of Malibu Canyon

"We moved to Calabasas for the school district for our four children. Our children attend three different schools currently. We have known Alan for many years and he is an amazing, caring and involved parent for both of his children. We endorse and recommend Alan for the school board position without any reservation." - Drs. Daniel and Dorianne Spivack, Parents and Community Members


The parents of today are greatly concerned about safety, and whilst much has been done, ongoing and relentless focus needs to continue to make sure every child is safe in our schools. At our local elementary school, our SSC and PFA worked hard to improve fencing, cameras and access, as well as strong collaboration with local law enforcement. Mental health support is also a big part of this puzzle – often the perpetrators of school violence are known in our communities, and advertise their intentions publicly and on social media, with swift action needed.

"Alan Lazar is the best of the best! He has a real pulse on what matters most to students and families in the ways of education, safety, and other important school wide issues!"  - Daniella Brown, LVUSD parent and community member

"I am very excited to offer my endorsement for Alan Lazar in his campaign for a LVUSD Board of Education position. Having had the privilege of working closely with Alan for several years within the Bay Laurel PFA and School Site Council, I can attest to his outstanding qualities and commitment to our school district and neighborhood community. Alan has demonstrated that he's an effective leader through his compassion, integrity, and honesty. His ability to approach complex situations with a level head and a genuine desire to find common ground is what I think qualifies him so perfectly for this role. Alan's dedication to fostering collaboration and reaching compromises that benefit all parties is another key attribute that makes him perfect for this role. Alan has many years experience and involvement in our school district and his wealth of knowledge and expertise will contribute to informed decision-making and positive outcomes for our students, parents, and educators. I believe that Alan Lazar is the ideal candidate to serve on the LVUSD Board of Education. With his leadership, our community will benefit tremendously, and I am thrilled to support his candidacy." - Season Skuro, Parent and Community Member

"Alan's dedication to his work and the betterment of LVUSD and our school has been exemplary. His commitment to excellence and his use of practical means to improve education and safety for our kids have been very similar to what I am used to seeing in other countries. I hope Alan is elected as an LVUSD board member so we can have more of his energy, commitment, and dedication to improving our kids' education." - Shawn Zanganeh, parent and community member

Spending and Fiscal Responsibility

One of the highest responsibilities of a school board member is to be the steward of public funds used for our district. With decades of experience building profitable companies, and serving on private industry boards, I will bring business savvy and an effective and watchful eye to district budgets and spending. Our affluent district nonetheless receives less funding than most in California due to Sacramento funding formulas. I will work to maximize the funding at our disposal through grants, facility rental, company matching formulas and more. I have experience on the Measure S Oversight Committee, and an excellent understanding of the budget challenges we face.

"I am proud to endorse fellow Measure G/S Citizen's Oversight Committee member Alan Lazar for LVUSD Board of Education. Alan has strong ties to our community and our school district, and has served as a volunteer member of this Citizen's Oversight Committee simply to be of service to our District. It is this type of dedication and desire to serve that will help sustain our incredible schools and continue the tradition of outstanding District leadership." - Carlos Cojulun, Chair, Measure G & Measure S Citizens' Oversight Committee

"I have personally observed Alan’s unwavering commitment to our district and to our students’ success. He would be a wonderful, impactful addition to our school board!" - Andrea Chernin, Education Therapist, Parent and Community Member

"I am an active LVUSD parent and previous private school educator. I am so grateful for Alan’s unwavering commitment to the success of all LVUSD students and have had the opportunity to hear him speak and share his thoughts on many occasions. I have always felt confident in Alan’s experience and abilities and know that he will be an amazing addition to our school board." - Dalia Mitchell, LVUSD parent and community member

STEM Education

Top careers in information technology, the medical field, and engineering all require a strong underpinning in STEM. As our district works to build new STEM facilities with Measure S funds, I will ensure every cent is carefully spent in a way that maximizes their impact on our school-going students, also bearing mind the huge impact Artificial Intelligence will have on our children’s future. My undergraduate degree was in Computer Science, and I understand the key facets of an outstanding STEM education.

"I endorse Alan Lazar for the LVUSD School Board. I feel he would be an excellent addition as he is an involved parent with children in the district. He was very helpful during the campaign for Measure S and has a good understanding of things that are beneficial to our district." Tara Maynard, Co-Chair, Measure S Campaign

"Choosing Alan Lazar for the school board is an easy decision, as he will undoubtedly make an outstanding advocate for all of our children's educational needs.  I have had the pleasure of knowing Alan personally, and I can attest to his intelligence, articulation, and responsiveness. He is a dedicated individual who genuinely cares about the well-being and academic success of our children. I urge all of us to support Alan Lazar on election day. His commitment, experience, and vision make him the ideal candidate to serve on the school board and advocate for the best interests of our students and community." - Linda French, Parent, Community Member

Music and Arts

Schools with strong music and arts programs are strongly linked to excellent academic performance, and I will do all I can to grow our arts programs. Music and Arts also provide strong emotional health benefits to children, and stimulate creativity, one of the most desired traits by employers today, even more so in the age of AI.

"As a professional music educator myself and Member of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, I hereby endorse Alan Lazar to join the Board of Education. Alan has been an example of support, compassion and understanding of our community and I believe he would be a great creative force and an asset for making decisions for our youth." - Emilio Kauderer, Music Educator, Grammy winner and Community Member

"I have known Alan and his family for almost 7 years. He is a dedicated and caring father and a very active parent at his children's school. Alan has volunteered in the classroom, as well as on the School Site Council, working hard to get what is best for kids in our public schools. I would love to see Alan Lazar on the school board in Las Virgenes Unified School District." - Lauren Burgher, elementary school teacher

Smartphone and Social Media Addiction

One of the biggest challenges facing parents today is the addictive nature of social media and devices, and the destructive effect they have both on our children’s academic performance and mental health, particularly in teens. I will work to ensure their impact is minimized through our schools, and will work hard to build a strong dialog between the administration, parents and teachers to find solutions. I strongly support sports and other physical activities to get kids off their devices. Many parents long for the time when kids played outside for hours, and I hope we can inspire the new generation to do more of this.

"I fully support Alan Lazar for LVUSD School Board. I’ve worked with Alan for many years both as a teacher for his daughters and also on Site Council. He’s compassionate, helpful and has many great ideas to help our schools!" - Rachel Golds, Teacher


Thanks to the taxpayers of our district, Measure S will provide a generational opportunity to repair crumbling school facilities for the decades to come. With the Board and Administration, I will make sure every cent is well-spent and with maximum impact for our schools.

“Having observed Alan as a Chair on School Site Council committee, his ability to lead and his leadership style is one of a servant-leader. He has a strategic mindset and understands the nuances of the school district as an active parent." - Dr. Kirk and Mrs. Fedra Tamaddon, Parents and Community Leaders.

Financial Literacy

Our children face a future where reaching the American Dream is tougher than ever. Equipping them with life skills to manage and grow their finances effectively has become more important than ever, and these classes should be offered in our high schools.

Artificial Intelligence

Our children are growing up in a time in which Artificial Intelligence will create massive changes in every sphere. Our education systems will need to be revamped to both accommodate the use of powerful AI tools to enhance education, but also need to prepare our kids for a world where many tasks previously done by humans will be performed by AI. Human traits such as creativity and curiosity will be more valuable than ever, and should be encouraged in our children's education.

Alan Lazar for LVUSD Board of Education 2024
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